When we pressed the related buttons the theme of the application will be changed and applied to the related activity.īelow I defined the styles for the background of the activity, buttons and textviews for both dark and light mode of the my custom theme. the android:namespace before the words colorAccent. To start integrating AppCompat into your Android project you will want to install the Support Library v7 AppCompat from the Component Store or directly from NuGet.

to set the accent color for the Theme.AppCompat themes by removing 3:50. And the action bar will come back after changing AppCompat to Android:Theme. For example, you might want to delay a configuration change because a video is playing. In some cases you might want an app to handle the configuration change. This means that Activities will be automatically recreated. which sets the accent color for the android:theme.material themes, 3:46. Multi theme app makes your users love your app most as they may not like your chosen default color, so you give them a chance to use your app with their favorite color. It uses an AppCompat theme, widgets from the Design Support Library (including a button with a custom background), and various other elements that require migration. When the app’s theme changes (either through the system setting or AppCompat) it triggers a uiMode configuration change. Good choices are in the Material design specification colour chart, and Material Palette.

In this example we are going to make a simple a night mode and day mode application. Sync Project and Android Studio will do the rest. Apply an appCompat theme in android - You can customize the theme with your own colours.