Get the Hogwarts-after-class look in a black sweater vest over a white button-down and a Gryffindor scarlet and gold striped tie. The red-headed youngest boy of seven children seems to go from dirty-faced tyke to heartthrob overnight, though, and his schoolboy duds certainly help the image along. It’s a treat to watch Ron Weasley’s magical coming-of-age as the Harry Potter series moves forward, with awkward encounters, major embarrassments and the occasional act of heroism along the way. Get his look in an argyle sweater vest beneath a classic English tweed suit. Initially, we’re led to believe that Giles is some kind of fuddy-duddy, but once we see him fighting evil or sensually singing “Behind Blue Eyes” in a hip cafe, the facade fades away and we see that he’s a stone cold fox. Rupert Giles acts as teenage vampire slayer Buffy Summers’ watcher, leading her in training sessions and helping her accomplish mission after dangerous mission. Here’s how you can get the look of pop culture’s hottest geeks.

There’s something about the stuffy style of these guys that makes our hearts skip a beat. But as nerdy as they might be, sweater vests have been worn by some of our biggest TV and movie crushes. The sweater vest, at first, might conjure up a collage of distinctly unattractive images of dads, dorks and dunces.

The 4 Most Secretly Swoon-Worthy Fictional Nerds We Love In a Sweater Vest